global outreach

Urban Survival Adventure

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This outreach is for the extreme risk takers.


Experience sleeping on the streets, connecting with businesses, renewing friendships, playing sports, living in a homeless shelter, teaching and building relationships etc.

This Adventure is for MEN & WOMEN

This Urban Survival Adventure IS NOT for the weak but the Extreme Risk Taker.

Note: Women are invited too! There must be at a minimum one pair of women. No solo single ladies are encouraged for safety.

  • $250 USD Ground Fees (Due July 15)

  • Includes: 3 banquet invitations for lunch  in a local restaurant and one night as a team in a local downtown Salt Lake City Hotel.

  • Note: this doesn’t include the cost of transformation to and from Salt Lake City, Utah or any other local transportation during the outreach. 

Packing List
  • No money / cell phone

  • Some picture ID

  • Backpack / Small roller suitcase

  • Sleeping bag / Blanket

  • Sleeping mat

  • Small pillow

  • Small flash light

  • Reading book & Bible

  • Journal & Pen

  • Toiletries

  • July 20-27, 2024

  • July 20-27, 2025

  • July 20-27, 2026

  • July 19-28, 2027

Sleeping on the streets or in a homeless shelter!

In 2018 Surfing The Nations sent a small team led by STN founder Tom Bauer to Utah with the purpose of impacting and giving back to the people of downtown Salt Lake City. They did this while being homeless, sleeping on the streets, or in homeless shelters having no money in their pockets to buy food. After a successful trip in 2018, Tom has committed to making this trip happen for the next 10 years! 

“Learn to invest in yourself for the purpose of investing in others.”

Note: This doesn’t include the cost of transportation to and from Salt Lake City or any other local transportation during the outreach. Also does not include housing and food for the optional two day portion, July 30 & 31.


Tom Bauer

Each interested applicant must personally talk with Tom Bauer,  and more details will be provided before acceptance. This is a question and answer time for clear communication on what you’re committing to.

Copyright © Surfing The Nations is a 501 (c) 3 tax deductible organization recognized by the US Government