global outreach


August 16th to August 30th
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To see local surfers’ passion increase for impacting their nations through love and service, and to dive into the rich history that these nations hold.

To see local surfers’ passion increase for impacting their nations through love and service, and to dive into the rich history that these nations hold.

  • Flights $2,400 (Due November 1)

  • Ground Fees $1,150 (Due December 1)

  • Recommended spending money $300

  • **All prices are subject to change

  • December 8 – 27, 2022

  • Pionneering global connections

  • Serving local communities

  • Surf and snow outreach


It started way back in 2002, when Tom Bauer, took a small team to the Middle East, in the search for surf and surfers. Along the journey near Alexandria, they met Egypt’s first surfer, Teymor “Tim” Adham. Tim propelled STN into the surf community and opened the doors for STN to give back to the community. From there we have developed relationships with surfers in Eastern Egypt, Jordan, Israel and Morocco.


STN continues to build relationships with the surf communities of Egypt and Morocco. In Egypt we are helping establish the sport of surfing in this burgeoning surf scene, especially focusing on promoting the idea that surfers are community leaders who serve those around them. In Morocco, we have joined the efforts of local surf communities and shapers to give back and reach out to those in need along the coast, as well as inland in remote villages.

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Copyright © Surfing The Nations is a 501 (c) 3 tax deductible organization recognized by the US Government