global outreach

Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh

Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh

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Equip, mobilize and train local Bengali surfers
to bless and transform their community.

Equip, mobilize and train local Bengali surfers to bless and transform their community.

  • $1,050 USD Ground Fees

  • $1,200 USD Estimated Airfare

  • $300 Suggested Spending Money

  • 2020 CANCELLED

  • Host National Surf Contest

  • Village Visits

  • Surf Safari

  • Homestays

  • Business Training


Bangladesh is one of the most exciting stories STN has to tell, and continues to be one of our most effective and adventurous outreaches. We first sent a team to Cox’s Bazar way back in 2003, when surfing was completely unprecedented. The sport fit perfectly with the spirit of the local youth, resulting in the creation of a local surf club. 

In 2005, surf history was made when the first ever surf contest was held upon the shores of Bangladesh. The enthusiasm and heart that was shown by the young surfers was enough to amp out the entire community for years to come.


Fast forward to 2019. After 16 years of faithful investment, surfing is one of the fastest growing sports in the country, creating jobs, economic value, and opportunities for the Bengali youth to pursue something meaningful in the context of community. Surfing The Nations continues to be an energizing presence in the community of Cox’s Bazar, equipping local leaders to push towards an exciting future of surfers giving back in Bangladesh.

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